Education resources

We have created our own ocean literacy resources for school education! These resources are focussed on primary school education and are linked to the v9.0 Australian Curriculum and to the ocean literacy dimensions. The resources are inquiry-based units targeted to Foundation – Year 6. We have had teachers and students trial our resource where we evaluated the impact on improving ocean literacy. We have received promising feedback from participating schools and are currently updating our resource with the new edition being released in Term 3, 2024.

Over and Under the Waves

– A teacher’s GUIDE for ocean literacy –

As part of Cátia’s PhD project she has produced a wonderful teacher resource to incorporate ocean literacy into the classroom through the use of picture books. This guide includes background information, useful links and activity guides to create an interactive and fun unit focussed on the ocean!

Download the e-book below. Note, this is Edition 1. Edition 2 will be released in Term 3, 2024.

Coastcare Victoria Schools Kit

Coastcare Victoria have released educational resources about the coastal and marine environments of Victoria. There are 5 lessons – spanning from seaweed solutions to edible urchins. Each lesson has a short video, teacher guide and linked worksheets. They are targeted for Grades 5 – 8. And the best news? They are FREE! Click the button below.

You may recognise a few Deakin members in the kit!